Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The very first episode of “Contact” is here!

Show notes to follow in the next few days on the blog.

Contact Episode 1


Podcast is coming…

Posted: March 17, 2011 in Uncategorized

Day in and day out, editing editing EDITING!

I have been hard at work designing a podcast for contact jugglers!  Yep, as per my posts in the .org forums (Clicky me if you didn’t see them!) the podcast is in full swing.

I really don’t have a lot of time to chat about it here on my blog so click on over there and read all about it!

As for my progression, I have been trying to make my butterfly’s solid and fluid.  In my believe that is a very good place to start.  smooth?  Solid? Looks great?  Move on…

Whats next?  Well, I will be learning 3 to 4 transitions from the butterfly…

Palm to palm

Heel to heel (of hand)

cradle to cradle (back of arm rolls?)

and the half-pipe.


I will let you know vie footage on how that is going!  Now that its starting to warm up I will not be so afraid to use my acrylics over grass in my backyard 🙂



Working on real stuff now!

Posted: February 22, 2011 in Uncategorized


I am finally getting the hang of the butterfly with both hands. Just that move alone has made me feel so good about myself! I love it when I accomplish something so unique and beautiful! It took me forever to even understand what people were referring to when they said ” You will see a figure 8 pattern starting to form when you have it right” I get it now!

What’s next on the menu? Well, lets see the list…

  1. Butterfly smooth transfers (Left to right and vise a versa)
  2. stall points.  exploring my arms for various stall points and rolling around with them
  3. polish enigma, claw and push-ups.  Both hands.

That is about all the time I have to practice right now.  I have some pretty serious “real life” commitments right now (Wifes due in May!  Baby’s room will not paint itself!)   Of course I will post a vid on progress



Day #2

Posted: February 17, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hey guys! (and gals)

As promised, it’s thursday and it’s time to post my progress to you all.

I have been working with what OcTaVO has layed out for me and been enjoying it a lot!

Grab your popcorn and enjoy ( I hope)

Comments are welcome.